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Tsuyu Hikari - Subscription

Tsuyu Hikari - Subscription

Regular price ¥8,640
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EmiNence brings richness to modern daily life through products of the highest tradition and uniqueness from all over Japan. We will continue to provide products of the highest quality, connecting the aspirations of the makers behind Japanese culture with the sensitivities of consumers through “emi” (connection). In this way, we embody our vision of “bringing tradition to the future and richness to everyday life.

In the future, we would like more people to experience the richness of Japanese culture through a place that reflects the EmiNence philosophy, such as a hotel. In such spaces, we aim to provide guests with a five-sense experience of the highest peak of Japanese culture through EmiNence products and services carefully selected from all over Japan.

Based on “Japanese culture, storytelling, uniqueness, regionality, and evolution,” we carefully select the best of the best from all over Japan and offer values that evolve with the times while respecting tradition. Our mission is to encourage community-based development and create the richness of Japan that will continue into the future.

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